Tuesday, 24 June 2008

How to avoid stress for success

What is stress?

A small amount of stress is necessary in daily life. It's part of our natural warning system, making us alert to danger and ready to run from threatening situations. In an exam situation, a small amount of adrenaline (a chemical produced by your body) keeps you alert. However, stress can cause many problems for mental and physical well-being. Some symptoms are outlined below:

  • Getting annoyed easily,
  • Sweating,
  • Can’t sleep / tired,
  • Not hungry,
  • Feeling upset,
  • Headaches,
  • Sore stomach.

What causes stress?

Stress affects everyone differently. What could make you stressed will not necessarily cause someone else stress. Try to think about the kinds of things that make you stressed.

They may include:

  • Work,
  • Family,
  • School,
  • Exams.

Stress caused by exams can be prevented by trying to be as organised as possible! Use study guides, mind maps etc. in order to plan out a timetable for studying and stick to it!

How should I deal with stress?

Because stress affects everyone differently, what reduces stress for individuals can also be different. Some ways include yoga, playing football or simply watching TV.

There are many different activities you can try in order to relax, varying from taking a break from studying, to exercising.

Handy hint

Your memory works like a muscle, therefore the more you practice recalling information, you will be able to do so more reliably.

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